Monday, August 31, 2009

The New Traffic School Curriculum

When you attend traffic school at one of our fine law enforcement institutions, these are the instructional videos they show to inspire lawless drivers like me to obey the speed limit:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I thought about doing this last year, then of course forgot about it. Then the other day I went to a presentation on technology in education that included word clouds from If you haven't seen word clouds before, now is a good time to introduce yourself. How it works is you paste in some text or a website url and then wordle creates a visual image, or word cloud, of the most frequently used words (largest) to less frequently used words (smallest).

So, I plugged in my blog address and behold: a visualization of my thoughts. Hmmmm. I half expected the largest word to be "me" or "I." I am not surprised about "TV," but I did not see "dumplings" coming. Do I talk about dumplings often? Is it possible to be completely unaware of your own dumpling obsession?
Actually, I think since I don't have an RSS feed on my blog it only uploaded the words from only this page. That's a relief! I was a little disheartened to realize that dumplings frequent my thoughts. Now, if it would have said "guacamole" I would totally understand. . .