the list
I decided to write a 32 things about me list for my birthday.
* Dream Vacation: Mediterranean Cruise or Fiji* I am addicted to peanut butter, diet coke (not the caffeine), dark chocolate and asparagus
* I love photography
* I love curry
* I love animals and want to get a Boxer as soon as I move into a place that allows dogs
* I hate talking on the phone
* I don’t like most chick-flicks
* I love to read gossip columns and travel articles
* Favorite Foods: toast, cereal and chicken coconut korma
* I don’t think I look 32
* I miss riding horses (me at 14 riding the Grey in a bareback competition - we won first place)
* I drink a lot of water
* Favorite Movies: Happy Gilmore, The Man From Snowy River
* I love office supplies, pens and notebooks
* Favorite Album: Bob Marley/Exodus
* I like talk radio, but that makes me feel old
* I don’t like seafood, it all tastes like rotting fish (yes, even fresh seafood, eaten in a non-land locked state, at a very fancy seafood restaurant, caught fresh hours before, cooked by an award winning chef tastes fishy)
* I can be stubborn
* Favorite Books: To Kill a Mockingbird, Kon-Tiki
* I like to draw and paint
* I talk a lot - too much
* I often say stupid things
* I am clumsy
* Favorite Hobby: photography
* I like to dance, but can’t really
* I like waking up early in the summer
* I love to cook
* I make a mean Jamaican eggs benedict and strawberry yogurt cake
* I love flip flops
* I hate wearing socks
* I love the water – especially the ocean
* Going to the pool or beach is my favorite thing to do in the Summer
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