Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend Extravaganza!

The Day Before Thanksgiving: Concert in Park City: Matisyahu with Trevor Hall and K'naan in Park City. I've seen Matisyahu three times now, and this wasn't his best show. But I had no idea Trevor Hall was going to be there and I was as giddy as a school girl. I love Trevor and he was incredible live. Especially his drummer - what a kook!
Trevor Hall - I love himK'naan This guy is from Mogadisho and brought a very cool
East African funk/rap kind of vibe similar to the Fugees

Matisyahu He brought Trevor Hall out and they sang a Bob Marley cover that was really good. I caught the whole thing on film, but we were standing right by the speakers so it's nothing but bass.
Lori, Scott, Connor, Jeff and me at the show.

Thanksgiving: Oh, how I love this holiday - who wouldn't? It's basically a free pass to all-you-can-eat. I've said it before and I'll say it again - my mom makes the most phenomenal stuffing. Ever. All you non-Linda stuffing refugees out there don't even know what you are missing, so it's understandable that you won't grasp the full awesomeness of this heavenly dish. It was just delightful.

It was fun having the entire family there together as well - it was a great day, minus the drama of a portion of my mom's backyard fence being knocked down by three ambitious little boys.

I love having Thanksgiving dinner at this house, it was my Grandma's before my Mom bought it, and I have had almost every Thanksgiving dinner in this room on these dishes. It just wouldn't feel like Thanksgiving without the rose wallpaper and gravy bunny and my grandma's china.


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